2020 ASLA Student Awards / Karishma Joshi & Xiaoyu (Nikki) Zheng
We are very excited to share that our very own Associate Karishma Joshi has been awarded the ASLA Student Honor Award in Analysis & Planning and our intern Xiaoyu (Nikki) Zheng has also been awarded the ASLA Student Award of Excellence in Urban Design. Below are some highlights of their projects and associated links to learn more about each of them.
2020 ASLA Student Award: Award of Excellence: Urban Design
Project Name: Rethinking a Fundamental Human Act: Landscape as a Solution for Open Defecation
Project Summary: In “Rethinking a Fundamental Human Act: Landscape as a Solution for Open Defecation” Kate and Nikki proposed design solutions based on a theoretical framework highlighting causes, conditions, and effects of open defecation. In the context of Raipur, India, there are few spaces of conscious design intervention that provide both practical and aesthetic value. The team came up with alternative built-environment solutions that respect local cultural behavior and human dignity to tackle this pressing world issue.
Contributors: Kate Noel, Xiaoyu (Nikki) Zheng
For more information about this award winning project, click here: https://www.asla.org/2020studentawards/1283.html
2020 ASLA Student Award: Honor Award: Analysis and Planning
Project Name: Tenacity—Integrating Sea Level Rise and Urban Growth Prediction Modelling in Design Scenarios in Tampa, Florida
Project Summary: Tampa, Florida is expected to grow considerably over the next decades, yet is one of the most vulnerable U.S. cities for flooding. Simply continuing on the present course,or even in line with current planned growth, will do little to mitigate flood risk, but informed development that incorporates resilient tactics will ensure long-term resilience in uncertain climate scenarios. This study analyzes three possible development strategies, and recommends one that could mitigate the impact of sea-level rise.
Contributors: Karishma Joshi & Jiali Liu For more information about this award winning project, click here: https://www.asla.org/2020studentawards/1185.html

Award / People / Press Release